HomeProgrammesNew Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) - Online

New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) - Online

Level 4

Gain the skills and knowledge you need to effectively lead your teams as a First Line Manager with the New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management).

A person using a computer
Quick info

Level: 4

Locations: Online

Duration: 10 weeks per course (study at your own pace)

Monthly intakes

Domestic Fees: *

Scholarship info

International Fees:*
Not applicable.

Additional Fees
Compulsory course costs may apply.

* Fees are indicative only, and are inclusive of the student services levy and GST (goods and services tax). The fee shown is for one year of study.

If you have recently been appointed to a management role or are looking for a career in management, the New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) is ideal.

The online business course will give you the skills and knowledge required as a first line manager to work with your teams to achieve organisational goals.

Study this qualification online with eCampus NZ.

 Career & Study Outcomes

Graduates of the New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) will have a range of transferrable, work-ready skills for the industry, including:

  • Confident communication
  • Workflow management
  • Operational objective prioritisation
  • Team motivation
  • Stakeholder relationship development
  • Cultivating a productive workplace environment
  • Professionalism and ethical business practices
  • Team leadership

To find out more about possible job prospects and salaries for managers, see careers.govt.nz.

Education pathway

 Course Information

Note: As a subsidiary of Te Pūkenga - New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology, UCOL | Te Pūkenga is committed to providing the best learning outcome for you. As part of this, all programmes are currently being reviewed to make them portable, consistent, and closely aligned with the needs of the industry. When published, this course information is correct, but the courses offered may change over time. If you have any questions call an Enrolment Advisor on 0800 468 265.

From 2023, UCOL | Te Pūkenga and the programme you have enrolled in will become part of Te Pūkenga. So, if you join UCOL | Te Pūkenga in 2023, you will be awarded Te Pūkenga certification. And, if you are a current learner graduating in 2023, you will be awarded a co-branded certificate.

This programme consist of 60 credits. The courses includes:

Effective Leadership (15 Credits)
Learn the skills and gain the confidence to communicate confidently and appropriately with your team, and learn how to build successful working relationships in and outside of the business.

Team Management and Motivation (15 Credits)
Learn to manage and motivate teams and team members to sustain a positive and productive workplace environment.

Achieving Team Objectives (15 Credits)
Learn to promote an inclusive working environment, manage team vs organisational objectives, build strong and positive workplace relationships, and demonstrate professional and ethical behaviour.

Performance and Variance Management (15 Credits)
Learn to effectively manage workflows and performance manage a team to achieve operational objectives.

 Learning Facilities

 Domestic Entry Requirements

40 Credits at NCEA Level 1, including 10 Literacy Credits and 10 Numeracy Credits


Equivalent academic achievement, such as: New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Small Business)


On a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Executive Dean


For more information about NCEA Credits see the UCOL Te Pūkenga NCEA explained page.

 International Entry Requirements

Not applicable.

 Advice & Guidance

Recognition of prior learning
Applications for Recognition of Prior Learning, including Cross Credit, Credit Transfer and Assessment of Prior Learning may be made on the Recognition of Prior Learning Form where a student believes all learning outcomes for a course have already been met. Applications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the UCOL | Te Pūkenga Academic Statute and other relavant policies and procedures.

Application checklist
It will make the process easier if you prepare the following before you apply:

  • National Student Number (NSN) (If you don't have a NSN, you may request one from NZQA, or you can supply a verified copy of your birth certificate, passport or Whakapapa statement.)
  • Evidence of your highest level of academic achievement (and evidence of prior learning, if applicable)
  • Evidence that you meet the entry requirements of the programme
  • Check if you're eligible for additional support or a scholarship. If you're 19 years or younger, you may be eligible to enrol in one of our free Youth Transition programmes.

Note that you will need to provide any verified documents in person, via post or email (not via the online application form).


The programme is approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under the provisions of the Education and Training Act 2020, and Universal College of Learning, a business division of Te Pūkenga is accredited to teach it.
