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Raukura - Māori & Pasifika Pastoral Care

Hutia te rito o te harakeke
Kei whea te komako e ko
Ki mai ki ahau
He aha te mea nui
He aha te mea nui o te ao
Maku e kii atu
He tangata, he tangata,
He tangata, hei!

If you remove the heart
Of the flax bush
From where will the bellbird sing
If you say to me
What is the most important thing in the world
I will reply to you
It is people, it is people,
It is people!

Raukura is a specialist service that provides a general duty of pastoral care to Māori and Pasifika Ākonga across all UCOL and satellite campuses, including Manawatū, Horowhenua, Whanganui, Wairarapa, Tutaenui, Taumarunui and Turangi. 

Our pastoral care offers holistic support that aligns Te Whare Tapa Wha* to all Ākonga. This covers physical safety, access to advice and support services, physical and mental health support, freedom from discrimination and racism, transition into tertiary study and the opportunity to take part in the decision making on support services.

Raukura’s priority focus is on supporting students learning journey in Certificate Level 3-4 and first year Bachelor courses, across all UCOL faculties. Sometimes, course availability and EFT enrolments allow our services to be extended to include programmes outside this scope. 

Tūtaki ki te rōpū a Raukura - Meet the Raukura Team

Koutou ma

UCOL Manawatū

Juanita Maniapoto

Juanita Maniapoto

Ngāpuhi | Ngāti Rehia | Ngāi Takoto
Kaiārahi o Raukura

Whaea Erica William

Whaea Erica William

Kaiawhina - Te Hiringa I te Mahara

Tanya Koro

Tanya Koro

Tokelau | Samoan
Pasifika Pastoral Care & Advisor

Fiona Campbell

Fiona Campbell

Ngāti Porou | Ngāti Kahungnunu ki Wairoa
Kaitiaki Ākonga

Reach us at

UCOL Whanganui

Whaea Mere Robb

Whaea Mere Robb

Te Whānau-ā-Apanui| Ngāitai|Whakatōhea
Kaiāwhina - Te Whare Huihuinga

Pā Damian Peeti

Pā Damian Peeti

Te Āti Haunui-a-Pāpārangi | Ngā Rauru | Ngāti Rangi
Kaitiaki Ākonga

Reach us at

UCOL Wairarapa

Image to be added

Maxine Hemi

Ngāti Porou | Ngāti Kahungunu | Rangitāne
Raukura Engagement Coordinator | Pouaruhea

Image to be added

Phoenix Fiu-Poufa

Raukura Engagement Coordinator

Reach us at
