We take a collaborative approach to contributing to the Crown's educational priorities, making the most of opportunities to connect up with our colleagues in the Tertiary Education Sector. For example, UCOL | Te Pūkenga is a founding member of the Tertiary Accord of New Zealand (TANZ), an alliance established between New Zealand's leading Institute of Technology and Polytechnics to improve educational opportunities and support services for students.
We are also part of a consortium of tertiary providers that established New Zealand's first Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence, Ako Aotearoa.
In Whanganui we are part of the Whanganui Tertiary Education Collaboration (WTEC), a group of education providers collaborating and meeting several times a year. In 2016 WTEC published the Programme Directory of Learning Opportunities in Whanganui.
Internationally we are part of the International Association of Universities (IAU) and World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics.
In addition, we have a number of collaborative arrangements with other tertiary providers to help improve access to tertiary education and enhance employment prospects, as we understand the challenges faced by students who live in smaller communities throughout the UCOL Te Pūkenga wide regions.
We also have arrangements with the Open Polytechnic, Horowhenua Learning Centre, Training For You, Ag Challenge Ltd, and Skills Update Training Institute for delivery of a number of programmes in our Regions.
We host numerous tertiary education sector workshops, community events and conferences across our campuses as part of our contribution to a balanced society.