Te Waka Hourua is our renewed strategy to improve how UCOL | Te Pūkenga performs to ensure Māori students are enjoying and achieving success as Māori. Te Waka Hourua builds on our previous Māori strategy, “Rourou Aronui” and recognises the achievements we’ve already made.
The six pou represented in the Māori Potential Strategy 2016-2019 are:
Te Akoranga Tikanga Rua (Bi-cultural Practice)
Te Urunga Mai (Student Entry and Admission)
Tūhono (Engagement, Collaboration and Enhanced Relationships with Iwi)
Whakamana Tangata (Growth Potential - Staff)
Te Puawāi Ᾱkonga (Achieve, Grow and Prosper – Māori Success)
Te Ao Hurihuri (Future Focus – Relevant Curriculum)
Our Vision
Our vision is to live in a world where Māori enjoy the same or better educational success as non-Māori. When the vision is realised Māori students will participate and achieve at all levels on par with other students and Māori will attain the qualifications that enable them to participate and achieve at all levels in the workplace.
Te Waka Hourua is a strategy created from Te Ao Māori (The Māori Cultural World). It is to:
Live as Māori: Be grounded as active participants in Te Ao Māori through accessing whānau, hapū, iwi, marae, te reo, tikanga and whakapapa resources.
Actively participate as global citizens: Acquire knowledge through a quality education system that enables Māori to participate in the affairs of the world and contribute to the greater good.
Enjoy good health and a high standard of living: Based on the work of Prof. Mason Durie, it aims to, Educational achievement should ensure employment opportunities, higher income levels, improved standards of health and lifestyles made from quality choices.
Our Values
Values are beliefs or ideals which shape our behaviours and act as broad guidelines for our professional lives.
Manaakitanga: A nurturing and supportive environment.
Mana Motuhake: High expectations; development of personal and group identity and independence, respect.
Whakapiringatanga: Positive relationships and connections; a family like atmosphere; a sense of belonging.
Wānanga: Rich, dynamic sharing of knowledge; dialogue, debate and careful consideration.
Ako: Teaching and Learning; effective teaching interactions and relationships with learners.
Kotahitanga: Unity; a collaborative response towards a common vision, goal, purpose or outcome.
Our Guiding Principles
UCOL is committed to respecting the following principles:
Partnership involves working together with Iwi, hapū, whānau and Māori communities to develop and implement strategies for gains in Māori Education and provision of appropriate support services.
Participation requires Māori to be involved at various levels at UCOL, including in the decision making, planning and development, monitoring, and delivery of education services.
Protection involves UCOL working to ensure Māori have the same level of education as non-Māori and safeguarding Māori cultural concepts, values and practices.