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Pastoral Care Code

Te Oranga me Te Haumaru Akonga - Learner Wellbeing and Safety logo

The Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice 2021 (the Code) sets out the UCOL | Te Pūkenga role and responsibilities in ensuring the well-being and safety of students.  The Code came into effect in January 2022 and builds on and replaces the previous Codes.

Key Features of the Code

Our responsibilities under the Code include:

  • Supporting students' well-being and safety

  • Fostering learning environments that are designed to support positive student learning experiences across diverse learner groups

  • Providing pathways to engage with student voice.

  • Having policies and practices that contribute to an education system that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi

  • Providing a clear complaints and disputes resolution process.

For full details of The Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners Code of Practice 2021 (the Code) explore the Te Reo Māori or English versions:
