The clinical placement experience is a major component of
UCOL’s Bachelor of Nursing programme, and is undertaken in both community health and hospital-based settings. It is important that clinical providers have an understanding of our Bachelor of Nursing programme, the requirements of students whilst on clinical placements, and the roles and responsibilities of all involved in our students clinical placement experiences.
Hints for helping nursing students to learn
The following documents were produced in partnership and provided courtesy of Hutt Valley District Health Board, Capital and Coast District Health Board, Massey University and Whitireia New Zealand.
Roles and Responsibilities
The Joint Position Statement on Clinical Practice Experience for undergraduate nursing (NETS/NENZ, 2013) clearly establishes the common principles and responsibilities that guide the provision of clinical practice experience for undergraduate nursing students. In particular, the roles and responsibilities of the education provider, the clinical service provider and the student, as outlined in this position statement, are those that have been adopted within this curriculum for the clinical lecturer, the clinical preceptor, and the student.
Students are responsible for:
- Identifying the geographical location and duty times for the clinical experience.
- Preparing for the clinical experience by having knowledge of clinical protocols and procedures as outlined in this Clinical Experience Handbook.
- Identifying and documenting learning objectives at the start of the clinical experience and sharing these with the assigned preceptor and clinical lecturer.
- Actively negotiating/pursuing appropriate learning opportunities.
- Recognising and acknowledging own limitations.
- Presenting the Record of Clinical Progress to the preceptor and clinical lecturer during each shift.
- Reflecting on individual learning experiences and documenting in the Record of Clinical Progress.
- Asking for regular feedback and responding appropriately to any feedback.
- Ensuring that all skills performed for the first time are supervised by either the assigned preceptor or clinical lecturer.
- Immediately informing preceptor of any changes in a patient/client/ health consumer’s condition.
- Immediately informing clinical lecturer of any situations that require the completion of an incident/accident form and to delay completing the required documentation until the clinical lecturer has arrived.
- Ensuring that the preceptor is kept informed about any activities and whereabouts on an ongoing basis. This includes absences for tutorial/teaching sessions.
- Being aware of and maintaining professional boundaries in all interactions with patients/clients/health consumers, agency staff, clinical lecturers and others.
- Informing the preceptor and clinical lecturer of any personal concerns related to a student’s ability to perform nursing duties safely and adequately.
The preceptor is responsible for:
- Introducing themselves to students and ensuring that students are orientated to the clinical practice environment on the first day in clinical practice;
- Ensuring that students are aware of any safety protocols/procedures specific to the agency;
- Ensuring that the clinical environment is conducive to learning and that students are free from harassment or bullying;
- Acting as a role model by overtly displaying the beliefs and values that are inherent in professional nursing and caring;
- Having the required knowledge/understanding of the curriculum insofar as it concerns clinical experience, and awareness of the protocols and procedures (including health and safety requirements, safe drug administration);
- Immediately informing the lecturer of any situations involving students which may require completing an incident/accident form or any other document that might implicate the student(s);
- Facilitating students’ understanding of the links between theory and practice, and enabling students to master a variety of nursing skills by being supportive of specific learning needs and objectives;
- Delegating/maintaining overall responsibility for the quality of care delivered; Allowing students to use initiative consistent with the students’ level in the programme and the knowledge/skills displayed while on clinical experience.
- Providing regular daily feedback that is honest, clear, and constructive and focuses on the students’ performance as a student nurse;
- Providing regular feedback (at least weekly) to the clinical lecturer concerning student performance throughout the duration of the clinical experience.
Clinical lecturers
The clinical lecturer is responsible for:
- Ensuring that current, required documentation is provided to the clinical practice environment;
- Maintaining regular (minimum once-weekly) contact with the nursing team leader and the assigned agency nurses for the purpose of exchanging relevant student information as well as seeking feedback on the student’s performance/learning issues; 3. Supporting the clinical agency staff by providing curriculum information, and the expected learning outcomes and clinical competencies for individual students;
- Supporting the student to make links between theory and practice, and to develop a variety of nursing skills;
- Arranging tutorials in advance and at such times as convenient to the agency, the students and the clinical lecturer;
- Risk management by closely observing those students whose performance has been identified as a concern;
- Assisting with the completion of incident/accident forms or any other such documentation;
- In consultation with either the Clinical Coordinator or Regional Programme Leader (Whanganui or Wairarapa), removing any student from practice who has demonstrated unsafe nursing/caring practice, or who has displayed behaviour unbecoming of a (student) nurse;
- Ensuring that the clinical staff know how to contact the lecturer when required; 10. Ensuring that students’ learning objectives are appropriate for the relevant programme level and relevant to the clinical experience;
- Working with/supervising students in clinical practice environments and conducting formative and summative student assessments;
- Responding to any requests or concerns from the agency within agreed timeframes.
Contact Details
All nursing students will be allocated with a designated clinical lecturer for the duration of their clinical placement. The clinical lecturer is the first point of contact for clinical provider staff regarding any questions, concerns or issues in regards to the students. If you cannot make contact with the student’s clinical lecturer, or it is out of hours, please contact the following staff in the first instance:
UCOL Manawatu, Horowhenua and Whanganui
Lucy Eade RN MNAPM – Nursing
Health, Social Service & Applied Sciences
Īmera: Mahi: 06 952 7001 extn.70475
Gordana BogunovicAPM - Entry to NursingHealth, Social Service & Applied Sciences
Īmera: Mahi: 60721 WG
Whitney DenchClinical ManagerHealth, Social Service & Applied Sciences
Īmera: Mahi: 06 952 7001 extn.70424
UCOL Wairarapa
Tracey CookAPM - Wairarapa - Health & SciencesWairarapa Health & Sciences
Īmera: Mahi: 06 952 7001 extn.72046